Visitation Guidelines

Visitation Guidelines




While your child is in substitute care, Wayne County Children Services (WCCS) offers visitation time for you to be with your child.


Visitations are important to:

  • Help you maintain your relationship with your child
  • Help reassure you that your child is safe and healthy
  • Let your child know you are safe and healthy
  • Help you improve parenting skills
  • Reconnect your family
  • Time for bonding and working on reunification goals

You may also demonstrate skills/techniques that you learned in Parenting Classes or from Counseling sessions.




If your child(ren) is in the custody of WCCSB, you will have the opportunity for supervised visitation with a WCCSB staff member. While every case is unique, the information below provides guidelines to ensure you have a positive and productive supervised visit with your child(ren).


Assigned Visitation Time

It is important to be on time to your family visit. Failure to attend in a timely manner will result in visit cancellation. There will be a 15 minute grace period. However, this time will not be made up at the end of the visit and the visit will end as scheduled.

No Shows

Consecutive no show visits will result in a modified visitation plan that may include suspension of visitation.

First Level Confirmation

All visiting parties are required to confirm, separately, their visitation time. You will be required to confirm your visit at least 24 hours, but not more than 48 hours, prior to each visit by calling (330) 345-5340, extension 2393.

Second Level Confirmation

If you miss and/or fail to cancel appropriately three or more visits, you will be placed on Second Level Confirmation status. Not only will you be required to confirm your visitation by calling the Visitation Hotline at (330) 345-5340 extension 2393 at least 24 hours, but not more than 48 hours prior to each visit, but you will be required to arrive at the agency at a specified time prior to each visit. There is no grace period once you are placed on Second Level Confirmation status.

Confirmations and Cancellations

Do not leave a message on your caseworker’s voicemail as this will not count as a confirmation and/or cancellation.

If you need to cancel a visit, you must call at least 4 hours in advance.

What to Bring to Visits

If you are visiting during meal/snack time, please provide a healthy, nutritious meal/snack (age appropriate), as well as the supplies needed for the food (paper plates, napkins, plastic forks/spoons).

Locations of Visitations

Your visitations are offered in the least restrictive setting possible while still maintaining safety and security for the child and the family. The location of your visit is set with the approval of the Visitation Team and cannot be changed without prior approval.

Who is Allowed to Visit

Case plan participants would normally be the only people permitted to visit. These rules apply to all levels of visitation, regardless of location. 

WCCS reserves the right to complete background checks on individuals wishing to visit a child in case.

No pets allowed.

No Re-Entry

During a parental visit, individuals are not to leave the building after checking in with the receptionist or visitation facilitator. Individuals who leave the visitation setting will not be permitted to return to the visit, nor permitted to re-enter the agency.

Cell Phone & Electronic Use

No cell phone and/or use of electronics permitted during visits. Cell phone usage will be limited to before and/or after the visit.

Restrictions on Weapons

In the interest of maintaining a safe environment for all employees, clients, volunteers and visitors, Wayne County Children Services prohibits the possession, transport, and storage of all deadly weapons on Agency property and in Agency work areas regardless of whether or not the person responsible for the deadly weapon is otherwise licensed to carry it. This policy does not apply to any law enforcement or security personnel engaging in official duties.

Agency property covered by this policy includes all Agency-owned or Agency-leased buildings and surrounding areas, such as sidewalks, walkways, parking lots and driveways. Agency property also includes all Agency-owned or leased vehicles as well as any other vehicles, regardless of ownership, that are located on Agency property or in use for the conduct of Agency business including, but not limited to, the transport of Agency clients, employees, or property.

“Deadly weapon” means any instrument, device, or thing capable of inflicting death, and designed or specially adapted for use as a weapon, or possessed, carried, or used as a weapon, as defined in ORC 2923.11(A).

It is a crime under state law to carry a firearm in a prohibited area. Persons violating state law may expect that such incidents will be reported to law enforcement authorities.

Discipline during Visitation Time

During your visitation time it will be up to you to guide, redirect, and discipline your child if the need arises. Your discipline method should be age appropriate, non-harming, and within proper guidelines.

You may:

  • Verbally redirect
  • Put your child in time out on the floor, the furniture, or in a corner
  • Take away a toy or stop an unsafe or unwanted activity.
Visitation Room Expectations
  1. Parents need to wipe off all toys their children have played with at the end of the visit.
  2. Food and drink need to remain in the dining areas only; No food or drink on carpeted surfaces.
  3. No diaper changing in visitation rooms; Diapers need to be changed in restrooms so that diapers are disposed of appropriately.
  4. Cell phones may only be utilized for photo taking of children. No other electronic devices are permitted. CD players will be provided for visitation use with child appropriate music.
  5. Toys need to remain in their appropriate areas and bins.
  6. All areas utilized during a visit are expected to be cleaned and prepared for the next visiting family.
Visitation Cancellation

WCCS is not required to make up a visit if:

  • A parent does not confirm their visit
  • A parent cancels the visit
  • A parent arrives more than 15 minutes late to the visit
  • The child is ill
  • A visit is cancelled due to weather or other emergency situation
  • A visit is stopped or cancelled because of the behavior of the parent
Bug Infestation & Communicable Diseases

In order to ensure the well being of all the children we serve, we must have a zero tolerance for bug infestations (lice/nits, fleas, scabies, bed bugs, cockroaches, etc.) and communicable diseases (pink eye, ring work, chicken pox, fever, etc). 

If you or your child has one of these conditions, your visit will be postponed until the issue has been resolved. This is for the safety of you and your child!


For more information regarding supervised visitations, please contact your WCCSB Visitation Specialist at:



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